Fifth Grade

Champion Learners



Good morning! I emailed everyone a new link to our Virtual Recess yesterday. Hopefully we will see you at 1:00 pm! 

Brain Starter

We had a few estimates yesterday with a range between 350 to 2,200 for the actual number of donuts. Here is some new information.

Update your prediction in the comments or on the Flipgrid!

Math Must Do Activities – Due April 24, 2020.

IXL – You will be completing 5 skills that focus on multiplying mixed numbers. These are skills you must complete with a smart score of at least 80 over the week. If you have questions about how to find these skills, please visit me during our office hours or email me.

*This Khan Academy video will show you how to multiply mixed numbers.

*Need a reminder about improper fractions and mixed numbers? Check out this Flocabulary video.

Galileo – This has been assigned. Remember, this is now a quiz and is meant to be completed after you have practiced your IXL skills. If you score a 90% or higher, you will receive a 4! 

Math May Do Activities


Sum Dog

Zearn If you need your username and password, email me!

I Spy  This video will show you variations to playing “I Spy” with a math focus. This can be done in your house or on a walk!

Science May Do Activities

Earth Day is here! What is something you could do to celebrate? What is an Earth Day Challenge you might create and participate?

Here are a couple fun Earth facts.

1. The smallest animal found is a frog measuring just 7 millimeters long.

2. An orca can swim 100 miles in one day.

3. Methuselah, a bristlecone pine tree in California, is estimated to be 5,000 years old.

4. A bee can visit 5,000 flowers in one day.

5. In 1982, the temperature in Antarctica was measured at -228.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

6. Bamboo grows over 90 centimeters per day. You can almost watch it grow.

7. Earth zooms through space at 67,000 miles per hour.

8. 18,250 new species are found each year on planet Earth.

What would you add to this list? Leave your thoughts in the comments! 

Video of the Day – A message from Dr. Jane Goodall on Earth Day. 

Enjoy your early release!

Mrs. Moore


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